This is a portfolio of pics I took and found on the internet for a class in the mathematics of symmetry at Western New England College

Saturday, September 03, 2005

I'll start with cyclic and Dihedral. But since I didn't just want pictures of ceiling fans and rims I thought this was a good trivet to start with. C16 (16 hops around the outside) Posted by Picasa

Stop! its a D8 Posted by Picasa

D2 Posted by Picasa

D2 Posted by Picasa

tiles are D6 Posted by Picasa

A D8 with a lil' spiral action at the top Posted by Picasa

The ink blot hops. What do you see? Posted by Picasa

hop Posted by Picasa

a hop that is almost a step Posted by Picasa

hop on top, step underneath Posted by Picasa

on dasher, on dancer... Posted by Picasa

guilded steps Posted by Picasa

Step Posted by Picasa

step Posted by Picasa

I'll catch you someday! says she. Not if I catch you first! he responds Posted by Picasa

THe sidle spin impression is ruined by the over under weave resulting steps only Posted by Picasa

I've found my hand twin! Posted by Picasa

very lovely Posted by Picasa

step in whicker Posted by Picasa

step braid close up Posted by Picasa

Despite all her killer instincts, she always felt as if she was being held back; as though she was bump'n her head against a glass ceiling. Posted by Picasa

this shower is friezing Posted by Picasa

Step right this way. Jump on board! Posted by Picasa

this tree has frogs (jump, jump, jump) Posted by Picasa

sidle by the ceiling Posted by Picasa